
Is It Time?

When Is Hospice Recommended?

People seek medical specialists to guide them through treatment for illnesses because they want the best care available. This is the best way to think of hospice – a team of specialists with experience and time-tested expertise devoted to compassionate, professional end-of-life care.

Generally, people benefit most from hospice care when the services are implemented earlier rather than later. Research has shown people live an average of 29 days longer when receiving hospice services than those who do not receive services.

General Hospice Guidelines

The following are general guidelines that can assist you and your physician as you seek to determine when is it time for hospice. If 3 or more symptoms are present, it may be time to seek hospice services.

What are Common Life-Limiting Illnesses?

Those who suffer from common life-limiting illnesses including but not limited to the ones in the following list also benefit from hospice care:

We understand each person’s situation is unique and many factors can contribute to a life-limiting prognosis.  Please contact Minnesota Hospice to discuss your specific needs and how we can help.

About Us

All people deserve love, compassion, and dignity at end-of-life. At Minnesota Hospice, we strive to empower people to live life as fully as possible on their terms. Our team is filled with experienced professionals dedicated to walking with you during this part of life’s sacred journey. We provide the highest level of hospice care possible to help people find meaning, purpose, love, and beauty in living before departing life peacefully.

Contact Us For More Information or to Schedule a Complimentary Consultation


Support our Cause

As part of our commitment to enhance end-of-life care in our community, Minnesota Hospice has a non-profit foundation. We welcome your generosity and your tax-deductible donations help us provide valuable education and support to patients and families. Click ‘Give Now’ to make a difference today.

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“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”

Cesare Pavese

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